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People's Action

News & Updates

Response to Disastrous Kavanaugh Confirmation

October 06, 2018
In response to Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court today, George Goehl, director of…

People’s Action Disrupts and Delays Sham EPA Hearing on Dirty Energy Plan

October 01, 2018
Clean energy activists in “Stop Killing Us” t-shirts delay EPA hearing for 15 minutes. The…

People’s Action to Protest EPA Hearing on Trump’s Dirty Energy Plan

September 26, 2018
CHICAGO – People's Action and our allies will send a clear message Monday – inside…

New York Election Proves Big Money’s Stranglehold is Crumbling

September 14, 2018
Albany, NY – Responding to results in Thursday’s Democratic primary election, Karen Scharff, executive director of…

People’s Action Endorses Cynthia Nixon and Jumaane Williams in New York Primary Election

September 11, 2018
New York – People’s Action joins our member organizations in endorsing Cynthia Nixon for Governor…

Forty Years of Progress Since Love Canal – Honoring Champions For Change

September 05, 2018
New York – The Center for Health, Environment and Justice, and People’s Action Institute are…

Community Cookouts in Trump Country Raising Money to Reunite Immigrant Families

August 02, 2018
CHICAGO - On August 4 and 5, organizations, church groups and ordinary families throughout the…

JUNE 30: People’s Action Brings 100 Multiracial Rural, Small Town, and Urban Activists to D.C. #FamiliesBelongTogether

June 29, 2018
WASHINGTON – People’s Action, a multiracial working class alliance of more than a million members,…

People’s Action Statement on Shameful Janus v. AFSCME Decision

June 27, 2018
A statement from Josie Mooney, director of organizing for People’s Action: “The unconscionable decision today…

Ben Jealous Win in Maryland is a Clear Sign of Growing Progressive Power

June 26, 2018
MARYLAND – Civil rights leader Ben Jealous, endorsed by People’s Action and our member organization…